Page 026: Aural Sensitivity

Last week, I provided some guest art for the excellent webcomic Erfworld!  My guest art appears here with one of the mostly-prose summer updates, but if you haven\’t been reading Erfworld, I would highly recommend starting from page one.

If you\’re here from Erfworld, welcome!  I hope you\’re enjoying the comic so far.  This is largely a story-driven comic, so here I also recommend starting from page one.

And thanks of course to Rob for letting me fill in for a bit.  It\’s always fun playing around with different characters than usual.


#1 Biligum on 09.14.09 at 2:58 pm

Yeah, Erfworld will probably be an especially good way to advertise in a way. I got here from there about a week ago, and I’ve been reading the comic since. So far, I think it’s a good start. The character design might need some work (I like how it’s starting out very smoothly, however, much better than most other webcomic starts I’ve seen), as some poses are a tad awkward, but it’s a fairly good art style, and the special effects (if that’s what they should be called) are excellent.

#2 Chris Battey on 09.20.09 at 8:50 pm

I’m still working on some of the character design and stylistic issues – little tweaks here and there, mostly. (And I need some practice with some details of anatomy.) To be fair, the relatively smooth start is due to this being my second webcomic; I did one called Scatterplot that ran from 2001 to 2006. But even comparing the recent comics to page one of Pyrlogos you can tell a difference. (So far, I’ve been resisting the urge to go back and redraw that one. Maybe someday.)

Thanks for the comment! I’m glad you’re enjoying the comic so far.

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