I’ve realized that there’s a lot of my art that I don’t have on this site. Let’s fix that.
As a test run, here’s a few of my older fanart pieces. Cringing at your old work means you’ve grown as an artist, right?
First, some Schlock Mercenary fanart from 2004, featuring Athena, the avatar of the starship Athens, with a teddy bear that looks suspiciously similar to a koalaesque, nigh-omnipotent AI…

Next, a few portraits of the Endless, from Sandman, also dating back to 2004. It’s sickening that the author turned out to be a serial rapist, but I didn’t know that at the time.

I never finished that series of portraits, and at this point, I never will. So it goes.
And finally, since the way I drew Dream reminded me of a certain other character, here’s (mostly) the same lineart recolored to become Jareth, the Goblin King:

That’s probably enough to test out how this looks on WordPress, at least. I’ll unearth some more ancient art next time…
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